Woke to a cloudy day but should be fine. Packed up the two vans and left Sapphire at 9am. Arrived in Emerald Showground, selected a site and all set up in time for morning tea. Now for a nice quiet day doing nothing in particular.
Chris holding forth at morning tea , John and Marg listening. Ruby's more interested in the photographer, or perhaps in showing her best side.
There's no doubt that owning a caravan means you have a permanent hole in your wallet, there's always some other little or not so little thing to buy. We seem to visit camping stores in every large town, and buy some necessity. The latest purchase is a set of traps to catch red-claw yabbies, and some de-flappers to stop the awning flapping should a big wind come up. Not that we've had a big wind, mind.
I think I previously mentioned the lovely railway station in Emerald, I finally got a chance to take a photo of it as the camping store's across the road from it. I even managed to score a pause in the traffic!
Emerald Railway Station, built 1902. The line is electrified from Brisbane to here. but we haven't seen any passenger trains so not sure if any operate. Scores of 2 kilometre coal trains running though.
Now that we're all set with traps and bait (sweet potato), we'll be off shortly to Lake Maraboon, the water retained by the Fairbairn Dam to put the traps in and hopefully catch something other than a cold.
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